Bodybuilding and the Olympics - a continuing controversy

The debate on whether bodybuilding should be an Olympic sport for years under the bodybuilding community and those interested in the Olympics is going on. Glowing fans argue that weightlifting is for years, an Olympic sport so why not bodybuilding? Diehard fans, bodybuilding and the Olympics seems perfect, and questions like "Why bodybuilding is not already an Olympic sport?" will be aired routinely.

Perhaps the more telling questions are "Bodybuilding should an Olympic sport?", and "would make bodybuilding Olympic sport the Olympics help?"

Bodybuilding and the Olympic Games: Why is it an Olympic sport not already

The current Olympic program consists of 35 sport, 53 disciplines and more than 400 events, from archery by up to weight lifting and wrestling. Level are the step to Olympic all ready and willing, the bodybuilding fan base, competitors and sponsors. The bone of contention is the International Olympic Committee and the OPC, explaining simply that according to its criteria, bodybuilding, no sport is and it has no place at the Olympic Games.

This stand is the question, "as a sport is first and foremost set?". A simple definition by the Australian Sports Foundation says that the sport "Can a result physical effort and/or physical ability, which by its nature and organisation, is competitive and is generally as a sport recognized require a human activity."

Probably, bodybuilding fit within this definition, and one would think that this should be enough for the IOC. However, the primary problem of the IOC with bodybuilding in the Olympic issues has drug abuse. They claim that the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs by bodybuilders bodybuilding would prevent compliance with Olympic drug policy. There are hard and vigilant doping rules for Olympic competitors, that would exclude many professional bodybuilder.

However, the natural bodybuilding brotherhood used not performance enhancing drugs. Olympic could their drug policies respect allows only natural bodybuilder part athletes in the Olympic Games. This is also the tradition of the Olympic Games is a contest for sport amateurs, not professionals.

Another reason to exclude bodybuilding was explained by the IOC for Olympics, that assessing competitive bodybuilding far to subjective to criticize judges for an Olympic. Given the controversy surrounding the subjective evaluation sports such as ice-skating, scuba diving, and gymnastics this argument hardly seems to keep water. In fact, bodybuilding seems perfect!

How bodybuilding Olympic could help

How competition bodybuilding has never been a mainstream sport, allows as Olympic sports including the sport better known and recognized. It would also sport more accessible so that people learn about bodybuilding, and may participate more.

Bodybuilding would also help Olympic extension of the scope of the sport on the display. Of bodybuilding, presents would be Olympic support people of all ages to eat good food, train, will fit you and take care of their health. These are important messages in a world where so many people are overweight.

A look back shows in the history of the Olympic Games first by the Greeks, were introduced, deified and venerated and aesthetic body with healthy toned, strong physique.

Bodybuilding and the Olympics: Main argument against

In addition to the drug doping question perhaps is the most prominent argument against including bodybuilding at the Olympic Games the subjectivity of the judges and the fact that it often no clear winner. Although other Olympic sports such as ice skating also in this category, clear the majority of the Olympic sporting events feature winner, either by time, distance, height and weight lifting. No one can argue that assessment is error if a competitor significantly wins an event.

Although the jury still out on bodybuilding and Olympic Games, it seems for the time being at least, that the Olympic Committee has no intention of including bodybuilding as an Olympic sport. Despite the fact that the bodybuilding brotherhood ready and willing, the step to Olympic level is from it looks like they will wait for some time.