Natural Bodybuilding Get Big or Die Trying III

Muscles, Marketing, And Most Of All MONEY

You see Most Magazines and Internet media make their money on Advertisements. Advertisers use the latest drug infused "Mass-Monster" to promote their supplements, products, or program. The formula is pretty simple and used by almost every one of the big Companies. Allow me to share with you exactly how the formula works.

You simply combine pictures of the latest Mass-Monster with one, two or even better a whole group of very attractive women with cartoon like proportions posing in sexually suggestive positions to imply that by taking their supplement not only will you get as big as a house in a few weeks but you will also have 'playboy playmates" drooling all over you.

Now slide in a few scientific sounding theories, an unpronounceable name complete with dashes, numbers, and some lightening bolts, flames and bright colors and bingo- you got a mad dash to the local GNC to get the latest Gimmick. Usually a few radical graphs, statistics and outright lies also accompany the ad to further drive home the sales pitch. "Does this sound familiar?"

The "Results" are then backed up by convincing before and after poses of chemically enhanced and genetically gifted individuals subjected to massive drug dosages, rigorous training schedules and Spartan diets. While the format, marketing, and claims have evolved over the years the bold faced deceit has sunk to a new all time low.

I have yet to see an ad that listed the drugs used by the athlete in question or a complete health profile accompanied by a drug test performed by a qualified medical institution of the individual before, during, and after the pictures were taken. I also don't expect to see any of these companies step up to the plate and request a drug test from the before and after participants.

Consider the fact that there are literally thousands of bodybuilding supplements pitched by companies featuring an endless array of "breakthroughs" which promise to deliver instant muscle almost overnight how many of them do you really believe deliver the promised results?

How The Muscle Marketing Merry-Go-Round Fuels

The Supplement Scamme-R-Amma

I call this program the supplement Scamme-R-amma and there seems to be a never ending line of bodybuilders willing to sacrifice life and limb to get there picture in a advertisement and a supplement contract so that they can pay for the next shipment of health destroying drugs.

When any one of these bodybuilders gets arrested, gets sick, or dies they simply replace them with the next freak of nature, release a new product, and start the process all over again. The Muscle Marketing Merry-Go-Round has worked for a long time simply because companies keep releasing "new and improved products" with ever increasing marketing sophistication that keeps a few steps ahead of the game.

Everybody's in on the gag because the average Joe who wants to get a little big bigger like Dustin simply doesn't have enough real training knowledge to make an educated decision on drugs, supplements, training or diet.

Unfortunately the magazines and the big companies know that most individuals rely on hype, hearsay, and the convincing ads written by clever copywriters who are out to make a quick buck. In the end, every body loses, but it doesn't have to be this way.

You the consumer have the power to demand change but that requires you to reset your "Reality-meter" and get educated on what's really going on the bodybuilding industry.

The bottom line is all of this marketing madness drives guys like Dustin to continually search for the next potion, pill, or protein in their quest to get a little bit bigger. The unfortunate part is whether it's the supplement companies, the magazines, or the Biggest Dude in the gym; all of them are playing on the lack of real training and nutrition know-how.

Temptations, Rationalizations, And

The "Get Big Or Die Trying" Mentality

I know the temptations, the rationalizations, and most of all the costs of the "Get Big Or Die Trying Mentality". I went down that path a long time ago and thankfully I managed to escape with my life and health intact but I cannot say the same for many of my friends, colleagues and competitors who I have met over the years. (See may article titled the "Myth-ster Universe, One Bodybuilder's Journey".

Many of my friends and acquaintances from the bodybuilding world are not here to share how easy it is to get caught in the Muscle Marketing Machine and the Underground Bodybuilding Drug Culture. The Get Big Or Die Trying Mentality probably isn't going to go away for a while, but you deserve to know the truth behind the "slippery slope of steroids" and how to avoid going there if you can.

But let me elaborate for those of you who are considering this path like our friend Dustin and present to you some real honest facts about the potential game you plan when you allow yourself to succumb to the "Get Big Or Die Trying Mentality".

Top 10 Facts - The Truth Behind Steroids, GH, Insulin

And Other Bodybuilding Drugs

FACT 1 - Steroids, GH, Insulin, Clenbuterol, and the endless array of drugs used be bodybuilders do in fact make you bigger, leaner, and stronger. People use them because they work, at least temporarily as long as you continue to use them. The problem is few people use the drugs for what they were intended for and even fewer have proper medical supervision to ensure safety and reduced side effects.

FACT 2 - All of these drugs have side effects and must be taken in increasing dosages to be effective over time. Eventually the side effects catch up to the size gains and your health becomes compromised. Early side effects are: gynocomastia (bitch tits), water-retention, hyper-tension, liver and kidney problems, skin problems (acne), rapid pulse, mood disorders, male pattern baldness, enlarged prostates in men and enlarged clitoris in women, as well as changes in body structure.

FACT 3 - As the dosages increase or the longer the person uses drugs more serious side effects start to occur, such as enlarged hearts, diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, thyroid irregularities, cysts on major organs such as livers, kidneys, and skin, impotence, paranoia, seizures, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, heart failure, renal failure, and even death.

FACT 4 - The muscle building and fat burning results from drugs are temporary and the user goes back to the original size, and strength after the drug cycle. This tendency tends to spur the user to use more frequent and bigger dosages as well as multiple drugs called "Stacking" to increase effectiveness of drug cycles. Eventually most users simply go from one drug cocktail to another further compounding the side effects and health costs.

FACT 5 - No matter how big, strong, or ripped an athlete looks it never seems to be big enough or good enough because there is always someone bigger, better, more cut, more attractive etc. The insecurity that fed the drug abuse cycle was never addressed and it only becomes more amplified with drug use.

FACT 6 - Most of the drugs circulating in gyms are counterfeits, animal drugs, or toxic home brews made in severely unsanitary, and unsafe conditions, by ignorant amateurs using "internet cookbooks". Not only do these drugs not work but also they present serious and life threatening consequences to anyone who uses them.

FACT 7 - The vast majority of bodybuilders who use, promote, and sell bodybuilding drugs are involved in criminal activity, avoid proper medical supervision, and have no idea about the dangers of the drugs they use and promote. Nor do they know the source of drugs, the half-life's of the drugs, the complications of their use, or the serious side effects that can occur when various "drug cocktails" are mixed together.

FACT 8 - Few if any Bodybuilding Drug sites and overseas pharmacies are controlled or regulated by trained pharmaceutical staff or medical professionals and virtually no licensed medical professional would advocate the dosages, combinations, frequency or duration of use that the majority of bodybuilders practice.

FACT 9 - It is a criminal offense to import, traffic, and/or possess most of the drugs used by bodybuilders. Stiff penalties are enforced by lawmakers to convict individuals who chose to break the law by using bodybuilding drugs. The rash of arrests, drug busts and charges against many of the top professional and amateur bodybuilders clearly demonstrate that involvement in the bodybuilding drug culture may result in you spending time behind bars.

FACT 10 - When a person comes off a cycle of drugs most if not all the gains are lost and often times the individuals metabolism has been seriously affected. Metabolic damage from drug use is now commonplace among former drug users both male and females. Depression, fat-gain, and lack of motivation are virtually unavoidable consequences of drug use.

The Bottom Line On Using Bodybuilding Drugs To Get Big

Whether you choose to use drugs or not it's important to recognize and realize that very few individuals use just one cycle and quit. Every time you choose to go on a cycle you are playing a game of "Russian Roulette" with your health and well-being. Each cycle increases your odds of losing your gains, your health, and your freedom.

The reality is you don't have use drugs to build a great physique. While you probably won't win the Mr. Olympia by staying natural you most certainly can build a well-muscled athletic physique that commands respect and admiration.

The best part about building muscle naturally is you get to keep all of your gains in strength, muscle mass, and athleticism. It's also easier to stay lean all year round, and your physique will have a much greater appeal to the opposite sex.

What's better is that you can continually improve your body well into you senior years while simultaneously benefiting from excellent health, well-being, and athletic mobility.

7 Keys To Building a Great Physique Without Drugs

Let's get back to Dustin our friend who was desperate to build more muscle and what my advice to him as well as anyone else in his shoes might want to consider. While the list below is a summary of my email to Dustin it is by no means a complete list. It does however give you a few basic guidelines to get started and to review when evaluating your training.

Carefully examine the training program you are on. In my 20 years experience very rarely have I come across a person who's training program made sense. Most individuals randomly throw together exercises, rep ranges, and body parts coupled with half hazard exercise form to produce less than ideal stimulus to work their muscles effectively. Bottom line is invest in a proven scientific training system or qualified professional coach with a proven track record to help you get the right training program for your body and your goals. Learn and Master Proper Exercise Performance. Virtually every gym I have ever trained in has literally most of the members performing exercises with too much weight, poor form, limited ranges and planes of motion, and sometimes downright dangerous practices which put the individuals at significant risk. Take the time to master exercise performance as this will help you build muscle at a much faster rate and reduce the risk of injuries. Build a solid base of real food from natural sources as the foundation of your dietary practices. Most athletes don't understand even the basics of good nutrition, and are deficient in enzymes, live proteins, probiotics, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and chlorophyll rich foods. Avoid Mega-dosing on Protein. The last 30 years of media bombardment has succeeded in convincing that more protein is better despite the overwhelming scientific evidence illustrating that the body requires only 50-100 grams per day maximum of protein. All of the largest and strongest animals in the animal kingdom eat "live plant based proteins" as opposed to meat, whey products, or egg proteins, which are pitched mercilessly at society. The mega-dose advocates theories go against over 4 billion years of evolution. If you are going to use supplements get a genetic screening, or computerized report to determine what supplements your body can benefit from. Computer technology is evolving rapidly enough to help individuals determine precisely what supplements can benefit your health and your training. Commit to reading and learning qualified nutrition and training information from reputable sources. Don't put your health and dollars in the hands of slick salesman who are willing to tell you anything to make a buck. Read proven journals and books on nutrition and training. Dr. Howell's book on Enzyme Nutrition is a great place to start your reading. Regularly study and use mind training technology developed by sport psychologists. The mind is perhaps one of he most powerful and untapped aspects of a complete training program. Technology has made hypnosis, visualization, and other mind training technologies relatively inexpensive and readily available to everyone.

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Finally my advice is never give up on your dreams but be prepared to invest a significant amount of time, effort and money in your physique. Building a great body takes a strong desire, consistent and intense effort, coupled with a patient positive attitude.

Today's fast paced world has many of us running to catch up with yesterdays' goals and the world's "instant everything expectations" can make it challenging to be patient in allowing our bodies to develop at there own natural pace. Develop an attitude of gratitude in you're training and celebrate each workout with joy and verve.

Recognize and acknowledge your own successes each and every day and surround yourself with positive energizing people who support your goals. Read positive books, eat good food, train intensely and consistently and you might be surprised at how enjoyable the journey can be.

The biggest key in building a great success is to fall in love with the process of learning, training and growing as opposed to making your training some masochistic do or die life and death battle with yourself. The NO PAIN NO GAIN mantra has developed into a mindset that has done more harm to bodybuilders and bodybuilding then any other single factor.

Bill Pearl who perhaps is the greatest natural bodybuilder of all time has the best attitude towards training. He states that you must coax not force your body to grow and that you should always leave the gym feeling like you could do a little bit more.

Bill has trained and coached more bodybuilders then perhaps anyone in the history of the sport and he has risen and succeeded at the absolute highest echelons of the bodybuilding world. Even today in his 70's he still sports a terrific healthy physique that oozes power, strength, and vitality.

Considering most of today's bodybuilders will not even make it to there 50's I feel that we could all learn a thing or two from men like Bill.

Dustin's Decision

It was a few months later when I heard back from Dustin. He decided not to use steroids and went back and evaluated his training using the 7 keys to building a great physique. It turns out his training program needed revamping and his diet needed some serious improvement.

He sought out the advice of Strength and Conditioning Specialist from a local university that really helped him learn exercise performance and training intensity as well as putting together a proper training program.

He also signed up for a nutrition course at the university which he attends once a week and found out a wealth of information about his body and it's relation to nutrition.

Dustin also reported that he was up 5 lbs in lean body mass in less than two months and he found learning about the body so much fun he now was enrolling in a degree program at the university in the fall.

He thanked me for opening up a new world to him and helping him discover what he was truly passionate about in life. He told me that he was enjoying his workouts more than ever and was more excited about training and nutrition than he could remember.

I was really glad to hear how he dodged a bullet and took the time to explore his options before making a decision he might regret later. Thankfully, Dustin now has a bright future as he found a way to channel the drive to be big into a more productive and long-term vision that has far greater benefits than anything sold in a syringe or a bottle.

I can only hope they're more bodybuilders like Dustin out there with the courage and patience to train naturally. I can honestly say their journey will be far more enjoyable and productive over the long-term than any short-term solutions that drugs promise but seldom deliver.